Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lessons to be Learned: February 2014

February 2014
Fifth grade lesson objective: Students will be able to recognize ¨to be¨ negative in the present simple

Broncos play in the Superbowl, even if they lost to the Sea Hawks
The Patriots are not  always the champions

Fourth Grade lesson objective: Students will be able to categorize months by seasons  

But their are no seasons in Barranquilla, it’s just hot.

Fifth grade lesson objective: Students will be able to identify their city and country of origin.

Barranquilla Colombia is somewhat analogous to Kansas USA. While in the middle of everything, it is hardly recognized for anything. The city is rarely more than a passing point between the reputable beaches of Santa Marta and Cartagena.

This industrial city is colored by the narratives of its inhabitants. Whether it be standing in the my grocery line, waiting at the same crosswalk, working at my school, various Barranquilleros take the opportunity to assure me that I am at the best spot on the planet. Such Barranquilla claims to fame include but not limited to. . .

1. Music
Such as Kevin Flores and the well known Shakira were born in Barranquilla
2. Culture
a great blend of the coastal tranquility and urban liveliness allow for me to relax without getting bored
3. Carnaval
During the time of Carnaval, everyone goes crazy in their own rite. Some with bright costumes, some with dancing, some with styrofoam penises on their houses, mostly all of the above. Living here during carnaval made partying unavoidable even for a recluse like me.
3. My crazy fifth graders
Their pride and display of pride made the geography unit especially fun. Two chapters later, my students could still tell you were they are from. . . with a little dance and smile on their face.

Third  Grade Lesson Objective: Students will be able to recognize parts of the house
This is my last month in my first home stay due to security reasons. I will miss the long haired cat but I am about to move in with one of my favorite Colombians; a four year old boy named Juan Sebastian.